MASTERS OF THE GRASS

Capybaras adapt well in different
climates. They need a heat source in
the bitter cold winters. They enjoy the
snow and we have seen them running
and twirling in the snow They retreat
to their cozy warm house after their
exercise session.
Mother Capy taking a break
from her youngsters.She had 7
Being true "grass eaters: they will
keep your backyard lawn in tip top
shape. Shown is "Little" the back
yard pet.
Female capybaras can have a liter of
babies from  1to 8 every 150 days..
Capys are very family orientated
species. All family members will help
to protect the young in any danger.
Baby Capys enjoying the shade of
the trees  in the back yard.
A small group of babies exploring the back
The babies in the photo were born in
the early morning..They are born
with a full set of fur, opened eyes,
and full set of teeth. In the photo
they are only a few hours old. They
are very good swimmers at birth.
Capybara spend most of the day time
basking in the sun. Since they are night
creatures and travel through the night
time they spend most of the day light
resting and soaking up the warm sun.
Infant capys (at least a week old) must
have a source of heat and water available.
Babies need to be left with their mothers
for at least a week for a good start in life.
Wading pools make great swimming
areas for the babies. They will get in
a pool on their first day of birth.
They can swim very well as infants.
Capys enjoy a quiet area to roam.
They are truly grass lovers and
enjoy the taste of fruits and veggies.
If the grass is limited one can also
give them cattle pellets and hay.
Breeder capys wandering around the
pond looking for the feed bucket. Semi
aquatic creatures breed in the water
and spend a lot of time in the water.
Links to other pages
Capybaras make great outside pets.
They will learn the lease but a collar
work much better. The babies prefer
to be the boss and will bond and
become your friend when they want
too. A food source makes a great
babies - prices
A male capybara in captivity in a reserve in
This photo was taken by a friend,Nancy Crawford
on a trip to South America.