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Buck's Page...

"I really don't know anything about anything. But I've picked up lots of little bits of knowledge." Charles Kuralt (1934 - 1997)

What's Going On Here?

It's June 20, 2006, and boy is this page due for some new material! So like the heading says, "What's Going On Here?" First and foremost, the cartoon of Reggie and me has been updated (and my reputation downgraded) to bring a little new humor to the site. You'll find one new addition in the Photo Gallery with more on the way in the next week or so. Really!! In addition, you'll soon find a few new links to interesting and/or humorous websites I've had passed on to me, read about, or stumbled upon in my infrequent journeys through cyberspace. And there will be four new photos added to the Vietnam page in the very near future.

I'll also endeavor to entertain and enlighten you anew on at least a weekly basis with some of my random thoughts (though nothing too bizarre...I promise). My hope is that you will find some of them thought provoking or humorous...or both.

Anyway...I guess this is the place I should wish you welcome or welcome back...as the case may be...and I hope you enjoy my website. Please take the time to Email me or to make an entry in my Guestbook...your comments and suggestions are always appreciated...well...almost always...

Your Hosts

Buck...and Reggie

Random Thoughts

Test Test Test

Test Test Test

1/16/00Test Test Test


Family Album

Photo Gallery

Images of Vietnam

Favorite Links

Put A Message In The Bottle



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Cartoon of Buck and Reggie by:GINNY, AKA "CALYPGIN"