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Cat/Canine Automotive Transport, People Uniting to Relocate Rescues!

Yes we have gone multi-species!

I have the state listing page up. If you see someone that is in the area of a transport, whose help you need, please send me an e-mail to forward to them. I am not listing names and addresses here. I will forward any e-mail to the person specified, at that point they can get in touch with you and you can arrange the transport together.

State Listing for CatPurr Members!

I am still in the beginning stages of getting this set up, so please bear with me.

Are you willing to help out? I have forms set up for sending in links for sites that have information on rescues, working with strays and trapping. Do you know of a site that would qualify? Please submit it using the URL form!

Are you willing to help with transporting rescues? Please fill out the transport form!

The Transport Bulletin Board
For Transportation Needs

Rescues for Adoption!

Feel Free to take one of these banners to link to us. We need as much publicity as we can get to build up our network!

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