U.S. Pony Clubs Mission Statement
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc, an educational organization, teaches riding, mounted sports, and the care of horses and ponies, and develops in youth the characteristics of reponsibility, sportsmanshp, moral judgement, leadership and self-confidence.
Do YOU have any pony club news you'd like posted on this page???
E-mail us and maybe you'll see it up here!  To e-mail us click
Mystic Pony Club is a part of the New York Upper Connecticut Region.  We are located in the Southeastern part of Connecticut and have members ranging in ages, and levels.  For more information on USPC or Mystic Pony Club, e-mail the District Commissioner Tom here.
Mystic Pony Club is looking for new members!  We need you!  Are you between the ages of 6-20?  Do you love horses?  Do you want to learn more about horses?  Do you live in Southeastern Connecticut?  Then we want you!  So email our DC's, Tom or Peggy, or email the webmaster, or post on our new MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!

This page is voluntarily run by a USPC Graduate of Mystic Pony Club who is also going to college. If there are any problems with this page feel free to email me, and if it isn't updated right away, I apologize ahead of time... but there are times when I just need to go and ride my horse!!!!
For any questions or problem relating to this website, email the webmaster!!!
Page last updated:
Regional Fixture Card
United States Pony Clubs Official Web Site
What is Pony Club???
New York Upper Connecticut Region
Home Page
Welcome to Mystic Pony Club's Web Site!
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Got news?
Share it with us! Check here for the latest news on what our club is doing!
Not on the list? Go to groups.yahoo.com and search for Mystic Pony Club. It's fast and easy and FREE, but if you are having problems with it, email the list moderator.
Mystic Pony Club is located in Southeastern Connecticut covering most of New London County and is part of the New York Upper Connecticut Region of the United States Pony Clubs.  We have several members ranging from 6 to 20 years old all that are active in a variety of equestrian sports.
Pardon our appearence. We are changing our look! Please be patient!
Hey Mystic Pony Club parents and kids!
Do you want your favorite jumping picture on our club's website? Do you have a picture of your horse sleeping that you think is cute? Do you have pictures of your friends at rallies or around the barn? What about pictures of you with the ribbon you won at your last show? Email them to TSGrady@aol.com and we can add them to our photo album page!

Don't have a scanner? Don't worry! You can send the pictures to Tom Grady and your paper photos can be scanned and posted! We hope to have an up-to-date photo album and award updates on the page soon!