Welcome To My
Home Page
My name is Theresa , AKA- Playme2_98 , AKA- Gutsy... I was born, raised, and live in Northeastern Ohio...I'm a Sagittarius, born on Dec.19, 1958... I love animals, mostly Horses and Dogs....
I also enjoy skiing, biking, my pc, nascar, barrel racing, and my hubby,(Randy) AKA- The Great Randini
This is a Picture of my hubby, he is also my partner in our business T & R Construction... Click on his pic to visit his site....
My Family of Pets
These are our children, funny looking huh? Four legged rugrats they're the best kind.... From left to right we have Brandy she is a Brittany Spaniel-mix... ( she is a big ham, loves to have her picture taken.) Then there is Jasmin she is our other daughter and the only feline in the group, Then there is Bear, He is our son, our baby....who keeps growing and growing..... To meet them click on their names or pics and view their worlds...
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Brandy & Bear are proud Members of the
Cool Mutts Club.

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