Northern Ohio Miniature Horse Club
For More Information Email Us!
The Northern Ohio Miniature Horse Club was established in 1998.  Members reside in areas such as; Fostoria/Rising Sun, Clyde/Bellevue, Oak Harbor/Port Clinton, and as far west as Wauseon and as far east as Vermilion and Lorain. 

The club is dedicated to the education and promotion of the American Miniature Horse, a very unique small horse.  This breed of horse is very versatile, other than not riding them- they are not any different than their larger cousins, like the Arabian. Miniatures are easily trained to pull a cart and can pull most adults very easily.

We accomplish education and promotion of the breed  through monthly membership meetings, formal clinics, parade attendance and an annual miniaiture horse show. Another benefit to joining NOMHC is an informative semi-monthly newsletter.
2006 Bowling Green Holiday Parade attended by NOMHC members
2007 NOMHC Clinic in Port Clinton
Where a little horse makes
a lot of sense!
2007 NOMHC
Showbill Now Available
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