Welcome to Purrchantz's Persian Kitties.

This is "Lily"

My name is Jeanne Johnson and I have been breeding Persians and Himalayan’s since 1994. I was stricken with an illness and my dear friend gave me a little lady, known as:" Little Miss Kalla Lilly". she was a Tortie Point Himalayan. The name for my cattery comes from the same friend, "Debbie Schramm", who lost her very special Flame Point Himalayan in early 1995. His name, "Sir Seth Purrchantz". He was the boy who always beat Daddy to his chair.

Lily was to become the best kind of healing. She cost me nothing but a little love, and tenderness. I have to thank my friend Debbie because I believe that I am here today because of Lily and her constant desire for love and attention. I progressed from Lily to a little lady known as"Kesha"who would later become my best friend.

Now, the list goes on and on. After many years of mistakes and believing that I could produce the best tempered, most enjoyable show quality kittens, I believe that I have finally crossed that high plateau. In approximately seven weeks I will show my own breeding to the cat world. I am very excited and I will have the pictures available for you to judge. So stop back often and take a look. Let me know how you like these babies of purr pleasure.

This is who we call Mac.He has recently become a Supreme Grand Champion and is going out for Regional Standing.We are so PROUD of him. Congratulations To Mac!!!

Here are some more additions of Purrchantz's Persian Kitties.
Aren't they adorable!!

Introducing Faces Of PURRCHANTZ !

I would like to take this opportunity to give a GREAT BIG Thank You to Mary Jane for everything that she has done to help me. Thank you Mary !! I will never be able to express my appreciation for all the help that you gave to me when I really was about to give up.


The Kitty

I have shown you some of our family keepers. Our parents of these beautiful babies will be available for autographs after their babies first show.

Our E-mail address is Purrrchant@aol.com

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