

I'm Metoo... I was the baby in the family until that Spunky came along. I am getting to enjoy tusseling with him though. I was born September 22,1997 and I am a Papillion. I happen to be Pepe's little brother. We have the same parents but he is two years older than me and never lets me forget it.

I got my name because I always spring into the center of things for attention, hence I became "Metoo". I love to hang on Mutsi's ears and try to act macho like Skip, but its hard when your my size. They try to establish pecking order around here and I am definitely not at the bottom ...where my size puts me! I like to mix it up with the best of them and only curtow to Skip when he really means business.

Meetoo May 1999.

Here I am with my "Big" brother Pepe.... he had to horn in on my page.

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