Caitlin's Chinchillas

Providing you with useful chinchilla information, and beautiful, healthy, home raised pet chinchillas.

I have new chinchillas for sale, so be sure and check out:
Chinchillas For Sale

To view or purchase informational and medical books on chinchillas and exotic pets take a look at :
Chinchilla Books

Please Scroll to the bottom of this page to go dirrectly to the links to the other informative pages on my site.


Hi! My name is Caitlin. I live in Northern California and I have been breeding pet chinchillas as a hobby for nine years. I currently have 8 of my own happy, healthy pet chinchillas in a beautiful array of colors. I started out with just one, but it wasn't long before I became addicted.


Chinchillas make great pets for many reasons. They are cute, soft, furry and fun, and they are relatively easy and inexpensive to care for. Chinchillas have an average life span of 15 years in captivity and can even live up to 20 years. In addition, chinchillas are odorless (as long as you keep their cage clean) and their fur is too dense for them to get fleas. Another great bonus is that they don't have a lot of dander like cats, dogs, and many other animals, so many people with allergies can have chinchillas as pets, but as with any pet, it is a good idea to do a lot of research before you determine if a chinchilla is the right pet for you. Please read my Chin Tips page to learn more.


(Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the links to get to the other pages.) From time to time, I sell tame, beautiful, chinchillas raised in my home, as well as chinchilla pellets and bathing dust, so if you are looking for a new chin, be sure and check my "Chinchillas For Sale" page. I have also included some links to other great, informational, and fun chinchilla sites, as well as links to other breeders on my "Chin Links" page. Check out my "Chin Tips" for information on all aspects of chinchilla care, or go to my "Chin Breeding Tips" page for information on breeding and pregnant chinchillas. You can also take a look at my "Chinchilla Books" page to view or purchase informational and medical books on chinchillas and exotic pets. Be sure to take a look at the"Chin Facts" page to get some fun facts about chinchillas and their life in the wild. For great pictures, take a look at my "Baby Chin Pics" page to see pictures of baby chinchillas, or go to "Chin Pics" and see pictures of all of my chinchillas. Finally, go to the "Color Mutations" page to see pictures and a list of the various color mutations. Most of all, I hope you'll have fun, relax and. . .


Chinchillas For Sale Chinchilla Books Chin Links

Chin Tips Chin Breeding Tips

Chin Facts Baby Chin Pics Chin Pics Color Mutations


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