Welcome My Personal (?) Page

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. All pictures found within this site are either my own and copywrited by me or have been rightfully donated with permission for display. Please ask permission before copying or using them for any purpose. Thank you.
It has been an interesting ride - life. So, due to many, many different influences, this web site is being majorly revamped. New job, commuting to said job, other interests besides bettas and time contraints have caused me to severely cut back on my fish. I have updated my web site to being more personalized rather than businessish. Without further ado, here is my new look. Oh, and please give it time. This may take a while. If you wish to contact me regarding fish, or anything else about this web site, please e-mail me at: dynarb@yahoo.com

Sirius Rabbitry: In the works

Poetry Palace

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