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Ch. Southern Accents Rising Sun

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"Sunni" was 1994 BOS at the National Specialty.

She was #1 Brood Bitch in 1998.

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Ch. Pegasus Touched by an Angel

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"Jessie" finished in 8 shows, all majors

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Ch. Pegasus Stairway to Heaven

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"Quincy" finished in 12 shows, 3 majors

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Ch. Pegasus Miss Wings

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"Monica" finished in 7 shows, 3 majors

Also BOS at Montgomery in 1998!

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Ch. Pegasus Heaven Can Wait

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"Wonder" finished in 9 shows, 3 majors

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pegasus.gif (9733 bytes)Pegasus
Bonnie Malzone

5074 Lakeview Dr.
Gibsonia, PA  15044
(724) 443-3783

Pegasus Am Staffs

At the current time we don't have email so you can phone or snail-mail me at the address above .

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