
Hi. My name is Willie. Its really Wilma but everyone just calls me Willie. I’m a female toy poodle or so they say. My adopted mother tells me that I’m a monkey in a doggie suit. .

By the time I was 6 months old, I was out looking for a home where I belonged. No one had wanted me and my life up til then had been rather rough. I did find a nice place with nice people but they really didn’t want me because they already had a nice dog. But they were good people and offered me a place to live while I checked out other places. Finally one day a couple came and took me home with them and although I tried hard to not get attached to them, they just wouldn’t give up on winning me over. I thought it was just too good to be true so I started messing over the house to see if that would make them mad enough at me to give up. But they didn’t beat me for it and showed me so much patience that I finally gave in and let myself love them. Since then, my life has become a joy. I’m never far from my mom and have been learning so much from her.

Here I am with a friend of mine, Herbie the rat.

I’ve learned how to weed the flowers but sometimes I still pull the wrong ones. But its so fun being in the middle of all the beautiful sweet smelling flowers!

And I love digging in the clean ground and planting the flowers.

But after a hot afternoon spend working in the garden I enjoy a good rest in the shade of a nearby tree.

Or amoung the beautiful smelling roses.

Then some exercise chasing a butterfly or 2.

And an evening spend at the shore with my new sister is a great way to finish off the day.

Then at the end of the day, my mom tucks me up in bed.

With my favorite teddybear.

I'm always having new adventures. My first camping trip was at the Stone Soup Festival. It was fun even though it did rain for much of it. We left on Friday morning and set up camp in their camp ground.

Then we went to help out our friends at the Bay of Islands Center who were putting on the festival. I tried out the tractor for size but it didn't really fit.

There is always work for everyone who wants to help so I kept looking til I finally found the job for me. Sitting in the tree supervising!

It rained our first night there and most of the next day as well but that didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirits. What a great bunch of people there! I felt really at home and had a really great time and look forward to going back to supervise again next year.

Birdie's Stained Glass Page

Bluebear's Panda Page

The Legend of the Butterfly

Time Can Never


Our World

The Midnight Wind


Winning Photo

I Believe

Lucy Maud Montgomery
