Stop Animal Cruelty Ring
Welcome to the homepage of the Stop Animal Cruelty Ring!

The purpose of this ring is to link sites that truly care about stopping animal abuse and neglect. I am hoping that maybe this ring will help spread the word: Stop Animal Cruelty!

Animal abuse should not be tolerated by ANYONE, but I'm sad to say that people do it every day. Animals cannot speak for themselves. They cannot adequately defend themselves against abusers, and they cannot identify their attacker. An animal abuser is a truly sick individual. An animal abuser is also likely to harm humans as well. Many serial killers start out as animal abusers.

For those who love animals there is this ring. Many are trying to make our voices heard. We are SICK and TIRED of animal abuse. We will NOT tolerate it! This goes for the abuse of ALL animals---not just cats. If you witness animal abuse, PLEASE report it to authorities and your local humane society. And PLEASE help us spread the word about animal abuse by joining this ring. It should never be tolerated! It simply MUST NOT be tolerated.

I want to thank all of you animal-loving people out there who have taken time to sign petitions, put banners and buttons on your pages, and spread the word. We need more animal lovers like you in this world.

HOW TO JOIN: (Please read!)

If you would like to join the Stop Animal Cruelty Ring, please submit your site here. You will then need to add a small segment of JAVA Script, called the "nav bar" to your page. If you are already a member of any other Webrings, you will not need to make any changes to your page.

You will first need a Webring ID and password to join. Please keep that information as you will need it to edit your site info in the future.

The page that you submit MUST be the page that contains the ring code, don't list your main page unless that is the page the code is on - this is VERY important. If your site has FRAMES, you must still list the ACTUAL page the code is on. Just have a link on that page to your main site where you can load your frames. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS ARE ALLOWED. The reason for this is that the ring has a feature called "Ring Checker" that automatically checks all member pages for valid JAVA Scripts. If the fragment is not located, it will suspend your site.

Once the script is up on your page, please notify me at Please remember to send me your URL so I can visit your page. Remember, filling out this form only adds you to the queue, you must first add the script to your page before you will be added to the ring. Sites only stay in the queue for 7 days before they are deleted, so please add the script within that time. If you are deleted it doesn't mean you can't join, it only means you need to reapply.

For more information and help with Webring system, click HERE


If you want to remove your site from the ring, update your ring info (URL, E-mail, etc.) or get the correct code for your page, Click HERE

This is how the Nav Bar will look on your page:


Special Thanks to Emily Tarpley who started this ring. She was unfortunately unable to continue with the maintenance so the duty has fallen to me. THANKS EMILY!

This ring is under new management as of January 12, 1999.

The following Rings are managed by Nancy
[ Spay/Neuter - Save a Life Ring | Spay Netuer Supporters Ring | Animal Lovers Ring | Stop Animal Cruelty Ring ]

A Special Message from the ring's originator, Emily...

"This ring was created out of love and compassion for animals...the abused, the neglected, the forgotten animals that cannot speak for themselves...and need someone to speak up for them."

Thanks Emily... I will work hard to carry on this important task..

Nancy's Web Page Design

The Stop Animal Cruelty Ring made possible by
the Webring.
