Roxie and Angel's
Home Page

Hi!  Welcome to our Home Page!  I am Roxie, and this is Angel, my Service Dog.  Angel is a 4-year-old Golden Retriever.  She was given to me in December of 1996, by a very nice man in Phoenix, who breeds and shows Goldens.  She was 2-years-old then, and had been a professional show-dog, all of her life.  She was very happy to "retire" and come to live with me in Tucson!  In January of 1997, Angel and I began training with the Top Dog Training program.  We attended classes weekly, and also worked with a personal assistant and trainer individually. Angel learned how to pick up dropped objects, get things off of shelves, and bring me her dish.  She's especially good at this last one!  In November of 1998, we passed our certification test, and became Team #53.  Now, Angel goes with me shopping, to the doctor, and to work or school.  Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), she is allowed to go anywhere that I can go, even on public buses, trains, and on airplanes.  She lays under my feet, but she stands up on takeoffs and landings! She is really special:-))

       This was taken in August 1998.  The photographer said, Let's see if we can get her to pose for the camera..." Angel just walked over and sat down, and looked straight into the camera.  He said, "That's perfect!  Is this dog a professional  Model?" Here's Angel relaxing on the bed, one of her favorite pastimes.  She is so loveable!  She has 2 beds of her own, one in the office, and one in our bedroom, but she's usually too warm, and prefers the cool tile floor for serious sleeping.  People beds are for playing on, trying to push Mom off on the floor, and for short naps!
Here we are with Santa at the Tucson Mall, December '98.  Angel was sitting on Santa's lap, and  really "hamming" it up!


Here we are with our good friend, Norman.
Norman is from Wahnwegen, Germany, and
he stayed with us for 7 months to study English
at the U of A, Center for English as a Second
Language. We miss him!!

Here I am with my parents and brothers.  This was taken at their 50th Anniversary party, on August 15, 1998, at the Elks Club in Eugene, Oregon.  We are, (L-R), Rod, Scott, Marvin, Gerry and Roxie.  (Photo taken by Norman Jung). Shawn the Sheep    From the Wallace & Gromit film, "A Close Shave."        cc: Andrews McMeel pub.
 Norman's Home Page  Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace  My trip to Switzerland & Germany
 Norman's Home Town of Wahnwegen Top Dog Training Program  Learn more about Wallace and Gromit
 International Association of Assistance Dog Partners  Read Angel's Story  Learn About My Disability: Living with Dejerine-Sottas

Both Kusel and Wahnwegen are in the Rhineland-Phalz region of Germany.   They are   very close to Ramstein Air Force Base! My brother, Scott, and
his family live in Neuendettelsau, Germany, in Bavaria.
          This is Kusel, a town near Wahnwegen.
   This is Lichtenberg Castle, in Kusel.
California Dreamin'...
In April, 1999, we moved to Chico, CA.  Chico is about 80 miles north of Sacramento, at the top of the beautiful Sacramento Valley.  It's a very modern city of 90,000 people, set in the middle of thousands of acres of crops, growing everything imaginable.  Local farmers sell their goods in outdoor markets, 12 months of the year.  Chico has four distinct seasons, receiving most of its 26 in. of annual rainfall December-March, and a year long temperature range of 33-1 10 degrees.  Below is a picture of Chico Creek, one of the many bodies of water in this area.
Chico State University has about 17,000 students.  It is well-known for its Arts Programs, as well as its top ranked nursing school.  There are many beautiful rose gardens around town, and this one is in the center of the campus.

Here are some pictures of our house :-).We were so fortunate to find a house so quickly, that would meet our needs.  This one is 2400 square feet, with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, and both a living room and family room.  This way, both my parents and I can have our own areas of the house.
 Notice all of the green grass, for Angel :-).
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