Kiki's Fave Photos

Laura at the Hemingway House with a cat named U.S.#1
U.S.#1 is named after the highway that runs from the northern state of Maine to Key West, Florida.

Brian likes cats too!

Hemingway House in Key West, Florida

A young Nigel and baby Honey

Now do the other ear!

Friends gotta hug!

Honey the Texas prairie dog!

Simba the chow-chow

Simba's daughter, Oskette

Isis's and Nigel's cousin, Toby

Build-A-Bear Website

This is Tobias(left) and Snowfluffer. They were made at a Build-A-Bear Workshop. Tobias is named after a company that makes basses and Snowfluffer is named after a gorgeous kitty we met on the net. Click on the pic to go to the Build-A-Bear website.

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