Hi, My name is
Paul E. Jamison
Welcome to my little place on the Whirled Wide Web
(As Pogo would most likely call it)

I'm new at this home page thingy, so bear with me if I make any faux pas.

The primary purpose of establishing this page was to make some stories I've written available for all to read. Y'see, when I was going with my ex-SO, I got to know - and eventually became Daddy to - her two little ferret kids, Al & Peggy (Daddy misses you two very much, and he'll love you forever!). I've become interested in ferrets therefore, and I've done a lot of cruising on the 'Net and found some wonderful ferrety sites (Links on my Ferrets page). I've found the stories concerning the Rainbow Bridge to be particularly touching, considering how many little critters I've known and loved in my life. (Note: For those unfamiliar with the reference, the Rainbow Bridge is where our beloved pets go when they die, to wait for us when we go to Heaven. There is more about the Bridge on my Rainbow Bridge page.)

...So I've written some Rainbow Bridge stories of my own, and I've posted them here for everyone to enjoy. (From the feedback that I've gotten so far, people do enjoy them. I'm beginning to think that I'm pretty good at this.) Read them and E-mail me at the address below and tell me what you think.

Since I now have a presence on the Whirled Wide Web, I may as well do what everybody else does and post stuff about my personal interests, assuming anybody out there cares. So I've got a separate page about my personal interests, with some links to related sites; I'll be working on adding more links in the future.

New! I've begun writing fan fiction about the television show "due South" and now have a page devoted to my efforts. You'll find the link below.

Even more new! I've started filking ferret-related songs! You'll find the link below.

Newer still! Okay, some of you may have come across my Ferret Cannon Crew and the birthday salutes somewhere on a message board or a Usenet group or someplace similar, and you're likely asking yourself, "What the blue blazes is that all about?" I figured it was high time that I included a webpage that explains what the blue blazes it's all about. Click here, and Murphy, Sammy and Max will tell you all about it.

New as of 11/05/07! Somehow I've become interested in my Cannon Crew characters, and I've started writing adventure stories about them, under the series title "Mustela sapiens". Click here, and let me know what you think.

At some point I may add another page with more info about me, but I'll really have to convince myself that someone else would be interested. (I may change my mind, however, if I ever break down and buy a scanner.)

At any rate, you can go to my fiction and Interest pages via the links below.

Click here to go to my Rainbow Bridge page.

Click here to go to my "due South" fan fiction page.

Click here to go to my ferret song page.

I discuss my interests in detail on this page.

About me: Surprise, surprise! I've actually posted a picture of myself, and I guess I don't look that hideous. Click here to see me (and my sweetheart, Shanna) and read a few vital statistics.

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