Laura K. Lee 
5224 Kortwright Rd Ashville NY 14710  (716)782-4719
Nubian Jr. Does
******For Sale******
2003 N.Y State Fair Jr Champion, Sr. Champion, GCH & BOB.
Premier Breeder and Premeir Exhibitor
Nubian  Does
Thank you for visiting the web site, it is currently under a state of "Rebuild" as there have been several changes to the herd as well as my personal life. Updates will be made as soon as time will allow. Some of the High lights are;
Several does appraising 90, including Ducky at just 2 years old!
Foot Soldier appraising 91!
Pepper Appraising 91!
***The acquisition of several does from the
Willow Run Herd.
***Many National Show Placings in Harrisburg, including some top tens!
Pepper receiving her GCH and her dam Abigail going Best in show!
Please come back often, as I will add the new animals as I find time in a very hectic  life!
Pheonix Pharm Hank D. Tank