
Friends and Fur-People

Garry and I have been going to Martha's Vineyard together for more than a decade now, but this is the first year that we were were accompanied by our Norwich terrier, Divot.

Divot arrived in her crate at Logan Airport on the evening of July 2, 1998. From the moment she stepped elegantly out from her crate, she had us.

I had wanted a dog for some time. I wanted a Norwich because I'd fallen in love with the little girl who'd won the Westminster show. Garry didn't want a dog at all, but recognizing that we were going to have one, he decided it would be sensible to involve himself in the selection.

I had taped the Westminster show. I knew what I wanted, but felt that Garry should have a free choice. Fate took a hand, because while he found several other canines mildly interesting, when he saw the Norwich, he stopped the VCR, walked to the TV and said: "That's it!"

And so I began my campaign to get a Norwich. I did better than most: it only took me 5 months before Divot joined our lives. 

Divot's full title is Ch. Sand-Castle Divot and she was bred by Sophie Stephans in Midland, Michigan.

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