
About Us:

Meetings and Greetings

Garry is a reporter for the Boston NBC-TV affiliate, channel 7, WHDH. He's been a working reporter in Boston since 1970 and in media since ... was it the Civil War? Well, anyway, for a while. So you'd think he'd be a tough cookie by now. But he isn't. Nope. Maybe Divot gets special treatment because she shares his birth date: April 7th. Or maybe it's because when Garry comes home at night, Divot is just a bundle of joy, wriggling in ecstasy that "Dad" is home!

I'm not nearly as interesting. I write stuff about computers, mostly technical, but sometimes other stuff too. Marketing, articles for publication, and so on. There's hardly a kind of commercial writing that I haven't done through the years. These days, though, it's high technology that keeps the pay checks coming in.

Considering my lack of technical expertise, its amazing how good I am at it and how much I really like it. Go figure!

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