don't wake the puppy, please

Hi, I am so glad you stopped by to visit us. 
We have lots of great stuff  for you to see.  I sure hope 
like pets, believe in rescue, spay/neuter and 
humane treatment,  because thats what this 
 site is all about.  I am not prejudice 
 of any breed and love them all, but it won't be long until you realize the 
   Rottweiler is my favorite. 

I also have Bloodhounds, a Yorkie, 
Poodle, Peke, Ratt Terrier,and you will not won't to miss the
Cocker  Spaniels
I can't  forget the beloved mixed breed 
and the cats, Oh me so many cats. 
We also have a horse, goats, donkeys, cows, ducks, chickens 
and you just name it we have it. 

Please check out all of our links, we have so much 
 to see, lots of health tips, 
breed tips/facts along with spay/neuter info. 
and wonderful poems. 

Please enjoy your visit and leave us 
a set of your paw prints. 
Believe me you,  won't forget you 
left your mark here! 

Visit all the dogs, cats and other critters that 
live here, all rescued of course.
We are also connected to several dog rescues.
If you are looking for that special pet, I sure would like to help you find it.
Just drop me a line, I will get right to work on it.
Visit all the pets I have helped place in wonderful homes
just this past year.

We have lots of Rotten Kisses for you



Visit the other Critters

Poems About Me Graphics Cold
Weather Tips
Spay Neuter Win Our Award Award Winners
Cruelty Info/Links Jake Memorial Sassy Memorial
Why Adopt a Rescue How can
Dogs Placed
this year

Visit our Web-Rings

Check out our delicious homemade doggie treats! 


You sure don't want to miss all of our wonderful Photos 

You won't want to miss all of the great awards we have one!


We would love to share our banner with you.

Saying Goodbye, to our pets and others our Personal Memorial page.

Guest Book
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Made by and © by Peter Klapwijk of The Rested Dog Inn,
the #1 site in the Rottie ring.