Rough Draft of Survey On Judges
- I would like judges to quit the politics bit.
- Stop looking at the wrong end of the lead.
- Stop judging the Handler
- Stop looking at the people behind the dog and look at the dog instead.
- Judges should judge the dog not the handler
- Judging the dogs and not the handler. Be your own person.
- Start judging DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!
- Start judging DOGS
- Judge the right end of the lead not the handler, owner, breeder ,or friend.
- Stop judging by the human end of the leash
(Many more just like the above)
- LOOK at the dogs and give ALL of them a fair shot
- Leave personal relationships outside the ring.
- Start rewarding sound movement, structure and temperament instead of "showmanship" and advertising expenditures.
- Give the average joe a break. Some encouragement will keep people interested in the sport. It would be nice if less people thought serious showing needed to be left to the rich people with
- I would like to see the judges judge the dog and not who is at the end of the leash. No matter how much a dog wins there is going to be an off day and if that dog usn't performing to the best dog in the ring he/she shouldn't get put up.
- STOP judging who is showing the dog..sometimes I believe the handler could be showing a poodle and still win. Too political for the "no body"..judges are too busy remembering who they owe favors to.....I believe many judges recently didn't even know when a dog was replaced with another...that dog automatically continued to win just as the dog it replaced....very
interesting. Especially when a "no body" beat that dog many times before it had a new handler....
- Stop paying attention to people. I would like to see them stop judging handlers, breeders, owners
- Stop giving the points to a dog only because they recognize who is holding the lead.
- START judging the the Top 20 judges did...maybe we need a list to check off...make it more objective
- Stop putting so much emphasis on so called "professional handlers".
- Stop being so obvious when they play favorites. at least they can go over all the dogs before they give the points to their friend, handler whatever.
- Many judges say that they judge the dogs, their actions show that some do judge the handler. There are many times when you can see a nice dog that may not be handled as well as a
handlers lesser dog, yet the handler still goes up. Come on judges, judge the dogs. The owners are paying your fees, not the handlers
- Stop worrying about what the AKC/reps will say if they don't choose the top wining special.
- I would like the judges to stop handling the dogs' mouths to check teeth
- I would like to see judges STOP examining bites themselves - too great a chance of passing
'germs' from dog to dog. Plus some judges are just plain klutzy when it comes to looking at a
bite. A polite "Show me the bite, please" would suffice.
- I would like them to start asking the exhibitors to show the dogs' teeth
- Judges asking the handler to "show the bite" (risk of infection)
- Stop looking else where while supposedly judging. You pay a entry fee you are entitled to have your dog judged completely while in the ring.........
- The big thing that bothers me is seeing a judge judging outside the ring and not paying attention on whats going on inside.
- I would like to see judges stop the superior/arrogant attitude.
- Stop acting like prima donnas and realize how expensive it is to run a show. Maybe they don't really need a $60 meal.
- Stop being arrogant and/or abrupt with me
- Help the clubs struggling with modern day financial constraints (by reducing fees)
- Don't judge Dalmatians if you don't like the breed
- When taking pictures of the winners, please don't get impatient if we have to re-stack our dog. The exhibitor already feels pressured in front of the camera in many cases. Belittling us does not help.
- Speak audibly and be clear as to what you want the exhibitor to do. A smile would not hurt either!
- Start acting like they are actually enjoying what they are doing. After all isn't this supposed to be fun sport?
- Be pleasant to exhibitors
- Judges should not accept breed assignments for a breed they dislike.
- Judges should have a little more patience, especially when they realize a new exhibitor is in the ring.
- I love it when I see a judge help out a new show person by telling what they can do to improve, in a kind and constructive way.
- I would like to see them start helping the novice exhibitors (and not embarrassing them)
- I would like to see the judges start acting like they are enjoying themselves.
- I realize that what they are doing is very serious business and that many people are counting on them to do their best. But if they don't like what they are doing, THEN STOP!
- I would like to see judges restrict themselves from judging breeds they don't particularly like or even strongly dislike, I think this influences their willingness to take appropriate time with a breed, and for the, to not do
- I'd like to see the judges retire before they forget who they are, so I guess the stop doing is stop judging when it's time.
- I would like judges to judge because they like the breed and enjoy what they are doing. There is nothing worse than going into the ring and having a judge who is half-hearted about the
assignment. I had one guy who could barely muster up hand jestures to tell the exhibitors what to do. I had another judge who was busy flirting with the ring steward in the next ring while I stacked my bitch out in the hot sun waiting for him.
- I'd like to see the judges STOP pointing to people in line. I'd rather they would pull their first 4 choices up front so there is no confusion. It's hard to follow sometimes when the judge points to one and then goes back in the line and points to another and then comes back up front and so forth.
- Pointing instructions - it is more appropriate and less stressful to be TOLD exactly what to do.
- Stop asking birthdays! (of the dog being exhibited)
- I would like to see judges stop trying to have a large class move around a very small ring together. If the class is large, split it up so that the Dals have an opportunity to show off what
they should do best - move around the ring. When you own a Dal that can move out there is nothing more frustrating!
- Stop putting up with the Dalmatians being given rings too small to move in - not always
possible but I have an immense amount of respect for the judges that I have seen make the ring bigger..
- Stop heavy handed exams (this has been very infrequent but annoying when it does happen)
- I'd like to see the judges START releasing dogs that aren't being considered in large classes. This is especially true at outdoor shows where it is hot. It's no fun standing in the ring when you have a snowball chance in *$#& !
- I would like to see the judges tell you what they liked or didn't like about your dog as you leave the ring. I know that their time is limited but sometines you dog may be doing something funny and you as a handler have no clue and the friends(!!)outside the ring airn't about to tell you.
- Start to appreciate the dogs presented to them and not give out points to the obviously inferior older dog because they "need" the points to finish and get out of the ring
- Start to withhold ribbons more often if the quality of the dog warrants it.
- I would like to see judges START taking exhibitors in catalog order. No more hustling,
stalling, positioning, etc and the ring would run smoothly and efficiently since everyone would
know what is expected. Plus it would assist the spectators who are trying to identify the dogs
with the catalog.
- Objective feedback....
- Pay attention to the job they are supposed to be doing
- Recognize that form must follow function. We are supposed to have carriage dogs not lawn
- Base judging on what they actually see not on what they think the dog will grow up to be.
- Stop placing such high emphasis on showmanship
- Stop giving the points to poor quality dogs with a showy attitude.
- Realize that showmanship is a plus but not a substitute for quality.
- Stop ignoring sound dogs in favor of pretty dogs
- Stop judging posed dogs (i.e. start judging the dogs based on movement, soundness and structure)
- Stop basing the judging on spotting and stacking.
- Stop Judging the dog with the best spots, or least spots, or most get the idea.
- Start judging the structure of the dog ie: gaiting, movement, angulation, etc. A pretty dog ain't worth a da** if it can not perform the job it was bred to do.
- Start looking at up and down movement
- Don't discard otherwise exceptional dals entirely because of a minor fault unrelated to soundness--i.e., high tail....
- Stop putting excessive emphasis on expression.
- Stop judging who can run the fastest on the go around
- Stop fault judging
- Consider Temp. Shyness or aggression are faults.
- Don't use spooky dogs and aggressive dogs
- Start judging on dogs that fit what they should be doing ( dals not carrying their head high or tail up over the backs).Dals heads need to be more level (kinda sorta) with their shoulders.
- Stop forgiving bad temperaments!
- Start judging the go around on correct Dalmatian movement (cadence count 1,2,3,4,)
- Start judging quality
- Would like to see less emphasis on 'statues' and the 'standing still and baiting kind of showmanship'-yes, it looks pretty, but we are a movement breed and that should not be
- I would like to see more judging of correct movement-with reach and drive-as well as an emphasis on correct structure and soundness.
- Move the dogs more and expect the exhibitors to use the whole ring - bet we'd all be in better shape if we actually had to move with the dogs in the ring;
- Judge the DOGS, with a focus on balance and movement.
- Base judging more on structure, movement, temperament then on cosmetics.
- Realize we are not a "head" breed and limit the emphasis on staring at liver.
- Spend more time moving dogs and less time stacking.
- Stop inserting their own preferences into our standard
- Stop adding breeds without truly learning the breed standard. So many judges don't seem to
- Know the small details of what makes the breeds unique.
- Stop pretending they know the standard, stop and refer to their books and not assume they know.
- Recognize that not all trends in the breed are necessarily correct
- Know, read and follow the standards
- Review the standard before each assignment
- I would to see the judges judge only the dogs by the DCA standard even if it means withholding ribbons.
- I think judges should stay current with the standards of a breed, it should be mandatory and maybe periodic testing should be performed as a check- call it a recredentialing.
- I would like to see the judges objectively judge the dogs according to the standard as it is written
- I would like to see written critiques on the dogs being judged, this would fix alot of people who don't know the breed standard.
- Help the breeds they judge by keeping current with the breed standards as they apply.
- Follow the breed standard not their personal opinions.