Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club

Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club

MWDC was founded on September 7, 1955 to organize dachshund fanciers of the Metropolitan Washington DC area for the purpose of encouraging and promoting the breeding of purebred dachshunds and to do all possible to bring thier natural qualities to perfection. The club exists:
  • To urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as adopted and promulgated by the Dachshund Club of America and approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which dachshunds shall be judged.
  • To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competetion at dog shows, obedience trials and field trials.
  • To conduct sanctioned and liscensed specialty shows, obedience trials and field trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.
MWDC has hosted three Dachshund Club of America National Specialty Shows. The first in 1977, the second in 1982 and the third in 1999. This club is a member of the Dachshund Club of America, Region VI.

MWDC Officers and Contacts Finding a Dachshund
President: Pete Eltringham
Vice President: Connie Fisher
Secretary: Denise Seimssen
Treasurer: Marcia Wheeler

Membership: Jane Mahaffey
Field Trials: Denise Seimssen
Earthdog Tests: Ashley Eltringham
Sunshine: Paul Martin
Website: Ashley Eltringham
Region VI Delegate: Randy Eltringham
Trophies: Dianne Cohan
Breeder & Rescue Referrals: Connie Fisher
Hospitality: Randy Eltringham

Rescue a Dachshund

Help save an abandoned dachshund. Adopt a dachshund through the Dachshund Club of America National Rescue or Dachshund Rescue of North America. Standards, minatures, smooths, longs and wires in a variety of colors need good homes. Contact Emma Jean Stephenson of DCA at or Kelly Page Gathers of DRNA at for more information.

Own a Pedigree Dachshund

Several MWDC club members are committed to breeding healthy pedigree dachshunds. Show and pet quaility puppies and retired champions are routinely available in miniature and standard, all three varieties. Contact Connie Fisher of MWDC at or the Dachshund Club of America Breeder Referrals for referrals.

MWDC welcomes any dachshund fancier into its membership. Please feel free to contact our Jane Mahaffey of our Membership Committee at for more information about our club and how to join.

MWDC Events Local Training

2003 MWDC Spring Field Trial

MWDC will hold a licensed field trial in conjunction with the Berks County Dachshund Club Field Trial at the Maryland Beagle Club in Shawsville, MD on Sunday, March 23, 2003.

Judges and Stakes Offered
Open All Age Dogs: Phil Bird and Michael Nothstein
Open All Age Bitches: Alice Moyer and Alan James
Field Champions, Best Open and Absolute: Ted Damron and Susan Fuller

The Feild Trial Premium is available for download:
Download Premium in MS Word Format
Download Premium in PDF Format (You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file. Download it now for free from

Donation items for the annual MWDC Raffle Baskets are welcomed and encouraged. Please contact Jane Mahaffey at if you wish to donate.

Please feel free to visit the TAC (Trial Advisory Committee) Website for a wonderful introduction to field trials as well as tips and information on training your dog for feild trials.

Please contact Denise Siemssen at for more information about MWDC's field events.

May Club Meeting

To be held at Turning Point, on Sunday, May 4, 2003 beginning at 4pm. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Please bring a dish to share. Please email Randy Eltringham at for directions and more information.

Club meetings are held in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November. Newsletters are mailed to MWDC Members following these meetings. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Supported Entry at the Mattaponi Kennel Club Show

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Judge: Nolan Dale (all varieties)

Visit the AKC listing for this show for more information.

June Club Meeting

To be held at the home of Jane Mahaffey, on Sunday, June 1, 2003 beginning at 4pm. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Please bring a dish to share. Please email Jane Mahaffey at for directions and more information.

Club meetings are held in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November. Newsletters are mailed to MWDC Members following these meetings. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

2003 Annual Summer Picnic and Fun Match

MWDC hosts an annual summer pinic and fun match at the home of Monika and Paul Martin including fun conformation classes, a costume contest and an earthdog practice. More information for this year's picnic will become available as plans are finalized.

September Club Meeting

To be held at the home of Connie and Gary Fisher, on Sunday, September 7, 2003 beginning at 4pm. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Please bring a dish to share. Please email Connie Fisher at for directions and more information.

Club meetings are held in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November. Newsletters are mailed to MWDC Members following these meetings. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

2003 Annual Performance Sampler and Picnic

Saturday, September 13, 2002 at the home of Randy and Pete Eltringham, "Turning Point"

There’s more to being a “show dog” than looking good! Come out and see all the wonderful AKC performance sports that dachshunds compete in. Bring your dog(s) and join in the fun! Learn about fieldwork, earthdog, agility, obedience and tracking *and* get some great exercise outdoors for you and your dachshund(s)! Beginner dogs and handlers are welcomed and encouraged! (please note: looks don’t matter, so bring any and all healthy dachshunds)

Each performance sample will begin with a short introduction to the activity and a demonstration by an experienced dog/handler team. The demo will be followed with a hands on beginner’s session for you and your dog!

Limited to 30 Handlers so RSVP early! All those who RSVP before September 10th will receive a packet of performance information, training tips and resources!

Barbeque and sodas will be made available by MWDC. Each couple is asked to bring a side dish. Each single is asked to bring an appetizer or dessert.

Please bring water, shade and a flat snap collar for your dogs (no choke collars please). Also bring treats and/or a toy that your dog really likes. For yourself: bring shade and seating and wear comfortable clothing!

Please email Ashley Eltringham at for more information and directions.

2003 MWDC Fall Specialty Show

Sunday, October 5, 2002
Held at Purcellville Skating Rink in Purcellville, VA
Entries Close: Wednesday, September 18, 2002

For additional information contact Connie Fisher at for more infomration

Conformation/Junior Showmanship -- Monika Canestrini (all varieties)
Sweepstakes -- Joyce Warren (all varieties)

More information will be posted as it becomes available.

November Club Meeting

To be held at the home of Denise Siemssen, on Sunday, November 9, 2003 beginning at 4pm. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Please bring a dish to share. Please email Denise Seimssen for directions and more information.

Club meetings are held in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November. Newsletters are mailed to MWDC Members following these meetings. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

2003 Annual Club Christmas Party

To be held at the home of Randy and Pete Eltringham, "Turning Point", on Sunday, December 9, 2001 from 4-7pm. The club will provide turkey, ham, rolls and soft drinks. Members are asked to bring an appetizer or desert if attending as a single or a side dish if attending as a couple. The annual MWDC gift exchange will be a highlight of the afternoon. If you would like to join in the exchange, please bring a gift ($15 or less). Do not sign the tag, but mark "Man", "Woman" or "Either". Please email Randy Eltringham at for directions and more information.

With the exception of infrequent field and earthdog sessions, MWDC does not host any training classes. However, we have compiled the following list for your reference. It will be updated when new information becomes available.


Middleburg Kennel Club
Handling Class Drop-In
Billie Gorodner and Lloyd Alton
(703) 777-3535
Tuesday Evenings
7:30 - 8:30pm

Warrenton Kennel Club
Handling Class Drop-In
Tish Edwards
(540) 788-4150
Tuesday Evenings
8:00 - 9:00pm

Old Dominion Kennel Club
(703) 754-3398
Wednesday Evenings


Civilized Dog Obedience
Carol and Frank Knock
Alexandria, Burke, Vienna
(703) 759-4917

Warrenton Kennel Club
Tish Edwards
(540) 788-4150
Tuesday Evenings

A Dog's Life
Kathy McCoubrey
New Baltimore, Warrenton

Agility and Tracking

A Dog's Life
Kathy McCoubrey
New Baltimore, Warrenton

Field and EarthDog

For a schedule of Earthdog Tests, Events and Classes and/or more information on Earthdog visit the Earthdog Information Center at

Last Updated June 2, 2002
Questions? Comments? Email Us!
©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 MWDC
DISCLAIMER: All information contained within this website is provided for recreational and educational purposes only. The appearance of an external hyperlink does not constitute endorsement by the Metropolitain Washingtion Dachshund Club. The Metropolitain Washingtion Dachshund Club makes no endorsements, or guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the condition or quality of any dogs offered, the ethics of any breeder or rescue person, or the accuracy of any information in external linkages.