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The Story of...

Beasley the St. Bernard
Cosi the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

A Few Snaps to Whet Your Appetite

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Mates with Froggy

Beasley & Cosi - The Best of Mates

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Here they are hanging out together in our kitchen. At their feet is one of the favourite toys - Froggy. He is a squishy green stuffed toy that squeeks when it is chewed. Often we will hear froggy being squeeked and the sound will be on the move, from room to room. Actually, Beasley has a brown bear, which also used to squeek. The woman at the local pet shop told us that dogs love them because their scent is soaked up by the toy and so the doggy thinks that the toy is real - another playmate. And she was right.

Wedding Disappointment

This next shot was taken before my Sister's wedding. Beasley and Cosi were most excited when they got wind of the wedding. It's difficult to see, particularly at this size, but they were all dressed up in their finery, in expectation of the approaching festivities. Hence the look of great dissapointment on their faces in this photo, only moments after I had to explain to them that they weren't invited. The invitation, which you can see in their mouths, dropped quickly to the floor as the reality dawned on them. Suffice to say they didn't send a gift in their absence.

Christmas 98 at Nana's House - Note the dirt on legs from Nana's garden...DOH!!!

Finally, this shot was taken on Christmas day 1998. They insisted on a little tinsel so that they could feel more a part of the joyous celebrations of Jesus' birth. But please note the dirt on the forelegs, which I'm sad to report came from Nana's garden, where they had been happily playing all morning...DOH!!!

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Last Modified on: 29th August, 2002

Beasley & Cosi are pleased to announce that they have been given their first award.
Thanks to Fido for granting us his "Perfect for Lounging around Award".
While you're online, why not check out Fido's site.

Beasley & Cosi thank you for visiting
And would like to say
"Please come back soon"

Until then...

woof    woof

CounterPeople have visited this site since February 1999

Some Recommendations from Beasley & Cosi

If, like us, you think Beasley is the finest looking
St Bernard you've ever seen...

Then contact JAYGAARD St Bernards, in Sydney (Australia),
for information on how to get your very own loveable St Bernard.

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Hi We're Beasley & Cosi.
We signed up on 01/26/99 03:21:13, but we're still moving in.
Please come back soon and visit us.

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