The shiba inu is a small dog, standing at around 39.5 cm (15 1/2 in.) and were originally bred to hunt large and small prey. The Shiba's special features are his hooded ears, which tip slightly forward, and his plush coat. He comes in 4 major colours, which are red, black, black and tan, and brindle. Unlike the Japanese Akita (to which he is closely related), he is a good family dog, but will tend to try to think his way through to getting what he wants. The shiba inu is an intelligent dog, and enjoys learning. This breed is not as demanding to groom as the rough collie (but then again, few dog are! With the possible exceptions of the Afghan hound and the Hungarian Puli), but still requires some attention with a brush. He enjoys exercise and though he is not greedy, he requires a reasonable amount of food to stay happy and active.
"Dragon House Fire Brigade" from Saijoto Kennel