We have some things to say to the people we love.
And since YOU also love US we assume you will listen.
Males can go first.
(Sorry ladies, "chivalry" is not in the feline vocabulary!)

If you've been having second thoughts about this neutering business, read on.

Do you really think we would miss the urge to wander the streets looking for "ladies of the evening"? For what?? A brief rendezvous with an unwilling female who may try to scratch our eyes out afterwards?

Believe us, we'd RATHER stay inside where it's warm and dry.

Besides, it's not as if we ever establish a relationship with our offspring.
They don't follow us around and say things like,
"Teach us how to be good mousers Dad!" or
"We want to grow up to be just like you!"
So please, do us a favor and let the vet do his job.
We'll all be much better off!

Now it's OUR turn, and like all females, we get to have the last words!
Since you know how we love to be the center of attention,
why would we CHOOSE to share the limelight with a bunch of "furballs"?

Visitors would flock to the house, but not to see us.
Oh no, they would come to see the babies.

(Soon we'd become "Good Old Mom" and fade into the background!)

If you think we need to satisfy some deep-rooted "maternal instincts"
then adopt a shelter kitten.
We'll give it a few baths, cuff it around if it gets fresh, and end up being best friends. We'll be happier (no discomfort for us)
and an otherwise homeless kitten will have a "mom".
Adopt as many as you like - they keep us playful!

So please, keep an open mind to spaying, it benefits us both!

Now - as much as we are urging you to haul us off to the vet
for spaying and neutering we are pleading with you to NOT consider declawing!
(That is a cruel and unnecessary solution to an easily remedied problem.)
Buy us scratching posts, put sticky tape on our favorite "manicure sites",
squirt us with a water pistol until we get the message!
But please, don't betray us, we TRUST you to treat us with kindness!

Then click here.

How can you look at our faces -
and see nothing but trust written there,
then subject us to all of the pain
of declawing? Do you REALLY not care?
We'd never deliberately hurt you,
or ever such "cruelty" display!
So please, always treat us with kindness!
For you have our devotion each day.