Flights A Fancy Aviary Rescue Services

Please excuse us while we are under major construction!!!
The site will look very plain until we are finished :)

With over 14 years of expirience in caring for, handling, raising and breeding exotic birds of all sizes, shapes and colors, I have decided to start doing rescue work.

For the last two years I have worked with several rescue groups here in Georgia saving the lives of countless dogs and cats from local Kill shelters.  Last year I personally fostered and placed over 17 dogs and cats.  While I found the work immensly rewarding, it was also immensly tiring for my family.  We have since moved into a new home, and cannot take in the strays like we did before.  Don't get me wrong, we still help out however we can, but mostly just with orphaned newborns now.

I still wish to do my part, and since we already have a housefull of birds, I've decided to turn my rescue attention over to birds.  So...Flights A Fancy Aviary now offers rescue, and occassionally adoption, services.

We will gladly take in any problem birds, pet birds, or breeders- active or retired.  We will not, however pay for rescues, as it is not our goal to purchase more birds, simply give homes to those needing it.  We will however, occassionally split the costs, or pay for shipping to get out of state birds here if neccessary.

What We Do....

We have many opertunities for birds in our home.  We have room, time and love for pets to be socialized, played with, and trained.  Occassionally, these pet birds will be adopted out to qualified homes with the permission of the owners.  If the bird is offered for adoption, a contract is signed keeping the bird from being resold or bred.  An adoption fee will be charged, and any money made will go twords vet bills, food, caging, and care of other rescued birds.  We do not make a profit off of our adoptables.

For birds not appropriate as pets we have a wonderful new breeding facility, and will find them suitable mates (or companions of compatable species for birds unable to breed). 

We also welcome handicapped birds.  We have extensive expirience with handling these special guys, as well as top notch Avian Vets to help ensure them the best possible quality of life.

Flights A Fancy Aviary is a liscensed aviary by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. 

For more information on placing or adopting a bird please email us at