Welcome to Nikki's Guestbook!

Applebud - 02/15/00 05:41:08
My Email:applebud@bellsouth.net
Your favorite pet?: D O G S
How did you find my Penthouse?: Lucky

I love the midi's.

Chua Jia Rui - 09/16/99 10:46:17
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Petsburgh/8924
My Email:shamont@hotmail.com
Your favorite pet?: Dog
How did you find my Penthouse?: Very nice


PeeWee & Tuffie - 08/20/99 22:33:54
My Email:fuzzypaws@happypuppy.com
Your favorite pet?: A stuffed Teddy Bear.
How did you find my Penthouse?: Mops told us where to look.

Niki your page is really grrrrrrrrreat. Keep up the good work. Love, Wee and Tuf

PeeWee & Tuffie - 08/20/99 22:32:40
My Email:fuzzypaws@happypuppy.com
Your favorite pet?: A stuffed Teddy Bear.
How did you find my Penthouse?: Mops told us where to look.

Niki you page is really grrrrrrrrreat. Keep up the good work. Love, Wee and Tuf

Vrai Doyle - 08/19/99 06:06:36
My Email:mdoyle@houston.rr.com
Your favorite pet?: "Annie"-my golden mix
How did you find my Penthouse?: got lucky!

What a cutie!!!!

Nicholas - 08/01/99 03:18:46
My URL:leslie@webtv.net
Your favorite pet?: my sock monster
How did you find my Penthouse?: my mommy found it

I am also a Nicky, and like you my humans love me and take good care of me. I live in Maryland, and I am 13 1/2 years old now. I like to play with my favorite blue ball and eat everything I can. I am recovering from an operation and I am playing it to he hilt! Nice talking to you, Nicky

MRS Annette - 06/01/99 19:04:11
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/petsburgh/2647
My Email:anywho@yahoo.com
Your favorite pet?: All of them
How did you find my Penthouse?: another page

Nikki, you are such a cute little puppy dog. All of your kids are proud of you. Annette and the TZU CREW

MRS Annette - 06/01/99 19:03:53
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/petsburgh/2647
My Email:anywho@yahoo.com
Your favorite pet?: All of them
How did you find my Penthouse?: another page

Nikki, you are such a cute little puppy dog. All of your kids are proud of you. Annette and the TZU CREW

Gwen Waters - 05/26/99 22:16:47
My Email:bhwgaw@gibralter.net
Your favorite pet?: dog
How did you find my Penthouse?: very nice

You don't even know that you are a dog..,do you???

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