Welcome to Ballymena Cavaliers
We are a small kennel, located in the mountains of New Hampshire.
Our cavaliers are much loved members of our family and live in the house with us. Puppies will be available from time to time and all of our dogs are tested annually.  We adhere to the code of ethics put out by the CKCSC,USA and are active members of th
e CKCSC club as well.   This is a wonderful delightful breed and I hope that you enjoy reading about our little group of dogs here in the mountains.Pull up a chair and relax...meet the girls of Ballymena.

Hear ye, Hear ye!!
Announcing the arrival
of Ballymena's
first litter of whole-color
"Come watch us Grow!!!"
This is a graphic intensive page!

Handmade Folk Art Cavalier Hats

LuckyStar This page is dedicated to
Lucky Star and the wonderful
people who rescued her!!

Meet Maddie and Mollie

Dancer...Etoile Private Dancer

Shelley...Our "Charnell" Girl

Kerry...Our "Alberto" Grandaughter

Come visit Cavaliers of the Northeast, a regional club of           CKCSC,USA

Some of my favorite doggy links

Rosanne's page of Goodies!

An example of the English Heart Certificate

Rescue T-Shirt sneak preview
send inquires with size and shipping address to:  Zoozebra@aol.com


To join one of the cavalier lists...go to
http://apple.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ckcs-l.html...the CKCS-L list
(I am one of the owners)
Http://www.hoflin.com ...for the CavalierKCS-H


When I am not playing with the pups, I enjoy creating baskets.....
come and visit the
basket room


If you would like to chat with me anytime about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels or talk baskets, please feel free to email me or call me at

Email Me


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ring site is owned by
Kim Kaslow.

Want to join the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ring?
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