Our Friends that have visited us here at H.E.A.R.T. Inc.

For all the animals who need our help

Just say NEIGH to Premarian !

H.E.A.R.T.   Inc.
Helping Equines and Animal Rescue Team Inc.

H.E.A.R.T.  INC.
PMB #135
2321 S. Oneida Street
Green Bay, WI


Halter   Horrors
It happens every day.  We brush them, train them or however else we wish to work with them for the day and we take for granted how easy it is to work with them with their halters on and forget to take them off.

We also tell them how much we love them and would never let anything bad ever happen to them. But can you stand over their body and tell them how sorry you are when they get their halter caught and end up dead because they broke their neck ?

Now you say it won't happen to me and I never thought it would either but how do I stand there looking at her laying there now and tell her that ?
Never Ever Leave a Halter on a Horse Unatteneded it can happen all to fast.
Kiran was only a year old and now her life is over.

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     Email:  HEARTinc@netscape.net

Come and Read Kirans Story