Yandon's Shar~Pei
Donna Boyce

Hello my name is Donna, my family and I have been Shar~pei fancier's for 10 years now.
We started with our Baby Shang~hei. A birthday gift , a very proud and great looking Pei.
He was everything a Pei should be. Sadly we lost him to rainbow bridge when he was 7. He is sadly missed.
This is a Picture
of my Baby Shang-hei
The first pei who stole my heart!

We now have Nottbecks Sir Mingus. Mingus is a black horse coat male.
Mingus came from a kind breeder here in Canada Nottbeck's Precious Pei.
A wonderfull breeder!!
Mingus joined our family at the age of 6 months. Mingus has trained us well and tought us how and when he wants things done but still he has
been a great joy to our family

He is now standing as Stud to ladies that I approve, (he's not picky enough!!).
Any inquires please E-mail me.

This is our

We are proud to intoduce our newest family member Teeka!
On April 5th 1998 Yandons Tiny Tinker Teeka has arrived. She is a black and white brushcoat FLOWERED female.
Flowered meaning that atleast 3/4 of her head is a solid color carrying
an inverted ^ on the back of the head. Her body is atleast 50% white with patches
and ticking the same color of her head. The flowered pei come in many different colors.

Teeka was born on February 7th 2000 in Byron, Ga. karen@kanines.com is another
kind breeder. Teeka has been a jewl to have in our home. Teeka has a link at
the bottom for updated pictures.

Want to learn more about Flowered Shar-Pei come join
The Wrinklyflowered list

Click to subscribe to wrinklyflowers

To see the many colors of Flowered Pei please press the Oval button below.

I'd like to introduce you to my Chocolate boy Starrs Shi-Kang. I am honored to be able to say
that I own a Kreuger puppy however.....
It is with great sympathy for the Kreuger family that I announce Starr Kreugers
untimely passing. She represents an enormous loss to the Shar-Pei community.
She will be truly missed by the people
whose lives she touched.

If you would like to get to know Shi-Kang better please click on the button below.

I belive before making any decision on purchasing a Pet,Show dog, or just a cute couch potatoe, that many hours of study should go into your chosen breed.
Along with talking to many breeders.
So do you think you want a shar-pei? They are so soft, wrinkly, and just oohhh so cute.
This is true, but they also grow up. The adult Shar-Pei grows out of most of their wrinkles.
They keep the distinctive wrinkly head and a wrinkle or two on their backs. The average shar-pei height is between 18-20 inches at the withers.
The average weight is between 40-55lbs. There are also different coat types you might also want
to consider. Horse coat is a bristly rough fur, while the brushcoat Shar-pei hair is a
little longer and softer. Then ofcourse there is the bearcoat who's hair is even longer and softer
and not recognized in the show ring.
Shar-pei today are not so much the Veterinarian nightmare if one practices responsible breeding.
Responsible Shar-Pei breeders have educated themselves on the genetics of the breed, to reduce health problems.
This is NOT to say that all
breeders are responsible or that they have educated themselves!
In your search for a Shar-Pei puppy I hope you talk to many different breeders and stick with
your gut feeling. Read books, talk to people, and educate yourself on the Shar-Pei.
Shar-Pei is my choice for a fun loving devoted family pet.
Is it yours?

Now Please visit my links of interest

Mingus's Picture Page Go To My Links Teeka's Page
Go To Dedication Page Go To Family Page Dedication to Family Pets

Here are some must visit Sites!

Most Recent Article On Amyloidosis
Volenteering Page Of Confirmed Amyloidosis
Canine CPR
Operation Scarlet Rescue

If you Would Like to Link To My Site
Please Email Me

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(c)Copyright reserved by Donna Boyce
This Site Maintained By Donna
Donna Boyce

This site was put up on June 9th 1999.

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