Header graphic for Janet's Family Pets
Left to right: Kitty, Sumi, Noel, Bo, Willie, Tasha, Smokey & Sarah


News, Announcements, Etc.

January 26, 2009

Our beloved cat, Tasha, passed away today. She was 19 years old.

December 18, 2008

Grr! If there's anything that makes this editor fume is hearing about animal abuse and eating of pet animals. Cultural or not, modern civilized people do not consume cats and dogs, nor pet rabbits, etc. This story coming out of China illustrates the point. So much for the goodwill they hoped to achieve with the Summer Olympics. I think stories like these negate any positives. (Yahoo! News story that may be time-limited.)

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Hi! Welcome to the Janet's Family Pets website. We have photo slideshows of my pets, past and present, and those of my family and friends. We are so proud of our furry and feathered animal family members (so far no scaly ones) and want to show them off.

This website started when my husband, Mike, and I lost our cat, Sumi, to cancer in 1999 and then another cat, Noel, to who knows what and how, almost a month after Sumi passed. The grief we felt over the loss of both of them in the same month prompted me to do something constructive about it.

We hope you enjoy the photos and the stories about each of these "babies" of ours.

The Slideshows

Bo - Freddy - Kitty - Noel
Sarah - Smokey - Sumi
Tasha - Willie - More of Us
Family - Friends - Memorial
Razzle's Story 

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A piece of grass a day keeps the vet away
--Unknown Dog


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  Photographic contents & certain graphics copyright © 1999-2008 JanetS.
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Site Created
June 10, 1999

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