Milagros Miniature Donkeys

OK, so I went to this sale you see and these beautiful little donkeys were being run through the sale ring. What was I to do? I tried sitting on my hands, I tried reading a flyer, and I mentally started balancing my checking account....didn't work!

So, join us in welcoming the newest addition to our family....


ADMS Registered
Slate Gray Miniature Mediterranean Donkey

Sam with Pooh

This is Pooh getting lots of good loving from Samuel.

Well, after the initial shock had worn off, my husband said, "well, guess you're going to raise some miniature mules"
....Sounds like a plan to me!
I bred Pooh to my favorite little mare, Milagros First Rose, and on June 23, 2003 we had a beautiful baby Mule!


His name is Marvin and is just the sweetest, bounciest, little guy! I think he's a keeper.
Updated- August 2003
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