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T-Ho German Shepherd Dogs
Quality  Shepherds Since 1980
I have been raisng an showing German Shepherd dogs since I was a youngster.First drawn to the breed with my obedience dog Gunda in 1979,she got her CD and TC,I went to my first conformation show and I was hooked My first dog I gave my heart too..T-Ho'sLivin For The Music..Cori will always remain #1 in my heart  She instilled in me all that this great Breed can be and taught me what to insist upon in my breeding program.I have bred and/or owned since 1979,Best In Show,High In trail,ROM,BIF,BIM,Police,leader,agility,
schutzhund,therapy,herding,flyball,movie actors and gorgeous ,healthy,sound ,long lived family companions!All of our dogs are home raised,temperament tested and microchippedThey compete and excel in all venues of the dog world.Boogie Bear...we done good! love mom

Temperamant,health , longevity and intelligence will always remain at the top of my list of breeding priorities...
Ch T-Ho's For Whom The Bell Tolls CGC,HIC,TC,TDI...
The past
About us The Nursery
Call or email me as to available puppies and young dogs.Click on the puppy