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Hi, my name is Madeline! I'm a senior lady (10 years young, to be exact), and I spent nearly two years with Niki while I looked for someone to share my twilight years with.

I came to Niki in April of 1998. My first family said that I was pottying on the new carpet in their new house, so they didn't want me anymore. I am so lucky that they found Niki... I was about to be euthanized! So I came to live with Niki, and I was a perfect angel! I never pottied on the carpet at her place, only outside and on my papers. I was housebroken, but Niki kept the papers down for me too... sometimes it's hard for a lady who's up in years to hold it for too long at night!

Niki always said that I was a "special needs" dog. You see, I had a condition called PRA, which made me 90 percent blind. I always got along really well, though; Niki said she couldn't believe that I couldn't see! What I needed most was a very loving home with a calm environment. Since I couldn't see, rambunctious dogs and busy households made me a little nervous... I never knew when I might be in the way, and was afraid that I might get underfoot! I also wasn't allowed to be near stairways, so it was important for my new home to be a ranch style, or have lots of baby gates.

It made Niki so sad to think of letting me go... but she loved me enough to know that I would be much happier in a calmer environment. You see, there were several younger pups at Niki's house who ran and played all the time, and it was just a little too much commotion for a dignified little lady like myself! I was a quiet, HEALTHY little lady with so much love to offer. I didn't play with toys much anymore (that's for the youngsters!), but I LOVED to sleep and snuggle... I also liked to chew on a bone sometimes; although I was missing all of my front teeth, my back choppers were still there!

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Finally, in January 2000, Niki found a perfect home for me, with a terrific mommy, and two canine siblings, pictured to the left! My new sister, Tanner, was a whippet, and if you can believe, my new brother Quinn was a gentleman Iggy JUST like me... also 10 years old and blind from PRA! I was nervous about leaving Niki and all of my old friends, but thrilled to be so wanted by my wonderful new family and start my new life!!

Update from Niki: It breaks our hearts to tell you that Madeline went to the Rainbow Bridge in October 2001, in the adoring arms of her mommy and human brother. She was such a special little girl, and all of us who knew and loved her will miss her terribly. Sadly, she was followed to the Bridge by her brother Quinn just three weeks later.

Maddie and Quinn, you will always be in our hearts... we hope you are having a wonderful time at the Bridge, playing like puppies again and taking in all of the sights with your brand new eyes.

Check out some more pictures of Madeline below... click the small images to see a bigger version!

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Here I am on the left, with my old buddy Cody on the right! We would sit on the couch like this often... Niki thought we were making funny faces, but we were actually cracking jokes that only we could understand!

After we'd finish joking around, we would giggle forever and ever! Ever the demure lady, I would hide my face while I wiped tears of laughter from my eyes, and Cody would just close his eyes and let out his heartiest laugh! Niki always thought we were being silly, but we had a blast!

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