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-- by Pam G., Sierra's mom

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We adopted Sierra through IG Rescue in 2004, a few years after we got our first IG, Marco.

They are both great dogs and are spoiled rotten! They love to chase their tennis ball everywhere, and once they're done playing, they curl up with each other and snuggle with me. They keep me so warm, they're like little heaters!

Sierra has done great with her housebreaking, especially for being only a year old. Marco is four years old, but Sierra bosses him around like she's the boss!

Every summer, our family -- dogs included -- goes camping with my brother Dave who also has two IGs. We all have a great time, and the dogs love to run together and soak up the sun!

Sierra has been a great addition to our family. I'm so happy with how these beautiful dogs have changed my life!

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