Words of Wisdom!


Galileo Galilei:

"We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves."


Dan Millman:

The Law of Balance, Finding the Middle Way:

"If gravity is the glue that holds the universe together, balance is the key that unlocks its secrets. Balance applies to our body, mind, and emotions, to all levels of our being. It reminds us that anything we do, we can overdo or underdo, and that if the pendulum of our lives or habits swings too far to one side, it will invevitably swing to the other. "

"Desires and attachments pull you forward," "Fear, resistance, and avoidance pull you backward. Extremes of any kind, even taking rigid sides on an issue, can drive you out of that balanced place that values all sides of any issue."

"Balance begins with the breath." "Taking in and letting go are the primal rhythms of life. breathing in, you find inspiration; breathing out, you find release. Inspiring and expiring - bith and death with every breath.

"Notice how, when the rhythms of your breathing are out of balance, your emotions are too. So when you feel anger, accept it fully, and bring the breath to balance. When you feel sorrow, embrace it tenderly, and bring the breath to balance. When you feel fear, honor it, and breathe deeply to find your balance."

"As you exhale, you give; as you inhale, you receive. If you receive more than you give, you feel that imbalance as a need to reciprocate and complete the circle of relationship. If you give more than you receive, you feel depleted, and eventually have nothing left to give."

"The Law of Balance assures us that those who give freely, in the spirit of love and generosity, receive in abundance."

"Find balance in your life and in all things. Honor this law, and follow in the footsteps of the wise. Let your actions and words come forth softly, like the changing seasons. From that inner state of balance, you'll find clarity and peace."

Serbian Proverb:

"Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. "

Dan Millman:

The Law of Choices; Reclaiming Our Power:

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Process; Taking Life Step-by-Step:

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Presence; Living in the Moment:

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Compassion; Awakening Our Humanity:

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Faith; Trusting in God:

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Expectation; Expanding Our Reality:

"Energy follows thought; we move toward, but not beyond, what we can imagine. What we assume, expect, or believe creates and colors our experience. By expanding our deepest beliefs about what is possible, we change our experience of life."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Integrity; Living Our Truth:

"Integrity means living and acting in alignment with spiritual law and with our highest vision, despite impulses to the contrary - about how you behave when no one is watching. From the heart of integrity, we recognize, accept, and express our authentic interior reality, inspiring others not with words, but by our example."

"Stay tuned for more...."

Dan Millman:

The Law of Action; Moving Into Life:

"No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Many of us understand concepts such as commitment, courage, and love, but we truly know only when we can do. Doing leads to understanding, and action turns knowledge to wisdom. "

Rabindranath Tagore:

"You can't cross the sea merely by staring at the water."


" Stay tuned for more wisdom....."