In addition to using this form to e-mail me, you can post rabbit questions here. This is a nice option because I will ALWAYS answer questions posted here (as I will if you use the following form), other people can answer your questions, other people can see past questions, and you can select if you would like to be notified when someone responds to your question. If you would like to give me feedback on my site, you may also do this here. Please write down the following e-mail addresses: and I can be reached at either of those e-mail addresses if this form doesn't work. If I don't respond to your message within a few days, please e-mail me at both of those addresses as there may have been an error in the form generator. If you choose to send e-mail without using this form, please say something like "E-mail from Bunnymom5's Rabbit Care Guide". If you leave the subject blank, etc., I will probably delete your e-mail without reading it. It is therefore advised that you use this e-mail form instead of directly e-mailing me. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you!