It's bad when people abuse animals for no good reason. Please help STOP this violence aganist animals and please visit these websites and help support them. Or visit the websites where I got the banners from. There are some very terrible things that happen to animals for no good reason. Other than sometimes it makes people "feel better". Don't kill animals. Imagine an animals coming after you and throwing you up agnist the wall. How would you like it?Escpecially if you did nothing to it. Please support Spray/Neuter. When you spray or neuter you're pet it prevents it from making unwanted kittens. When you don't, you can have 5 kittens on you're hands,all need homes. Then if 3 of those 5 have kittens then that's 15 more kittens. If 10 of THOSE have kittens, then it's 50 kittens!Please support this good cause. Carmen is part of the Animal Rights Guild at CLAW. They support different issues there. If you would like to join this then go to CLAW and sign up. Be sure to mention:
The topic for this group is farmers that perform their own medical surgery on kittys. This one kitty was 4 months old and this farmer tried to do a "do-it- you'reslef neutering". Someone found this kitty with it's behind very swollen. It took it to the vet and they said it had a very bad infection. They could either do surgery to remove this, which it might have urinery problems. Or they could just give it some medicine. The person opted for the medicine because of the cost of the surgery. This new owner took this kitten home and loved it dearly. Sadly this cat died when it was only 5 months old. Please if you know anyone that does this. Please tell them it is WRONG and try to stop this behavoir.