My cat's are a BIG part of my life and I love them dearly.I will soon get some pictures up here of them so you can see just how cute they are.*pretty cute*.Well here's some information on my cats. I have 3 cats.Two of them I got from a shelter and the other one is a stray.The 2 from the shelter are Whisker's and Rascal
and they are brothers.They were found in the back of a disabled man's pickup truck.The stray's name is Carmen
and she lives outside in the garage and in the shed.She's about the same age as our cats.Our cat's are going to be 1 on Aug 28.They are bigger than most cats,not fat,just tall.Rascal purrs so loud that he can be heard across a room.I guess he's a very happy cat.He has that look that just says:I love you so much.Won't you love me?His brother Whiskers is a swettie too,but most people don't know it.His look says:I'm a lion and this is MY house and don't you DARE bother me.But that's not his attitude at all.He loves to be petted and he loves shoe boxs.Even though he dosen't exactly fit in them!he purrs too,but not as loud as Racal.Carmen ,my outside girl loves people-especially me-and she will follow you all around the yard.She likes to sleep on top of a box on our work bench in our garage.She purrs too and shed's A LOT!Rascal is my computer buddy.Whenever I'm on it,he's always right on top of the desk.He's fascinated by the computer.Whiskers Always comes over and lays right under my feet and trys to bite them,he wants me to pet him instead of typing!Then when i go to pet him,he runs away,silly cat!Carmen comes running whenever you call her name,what a good kitty!