Brandywine Valley Dog Training Club




The companionship and affection that people share with their dogs can be a deeply rewarding experience. If you own a dog, you must realize that you have taken on the responsibility of that animal's welfare. This is not a trivial matter. In addition to caring for the physical needs of the animal, you must take into consideration the question of the dog's behavior. How are the dog's manners at home or in public? By training your dog in obedience, you will have the pride and confidence in knowing that your well-behaved dog will be a delight in your home and will be welcomed in your community.

Since 1980, the Brandywine Valley Dog Training Club (BVDTC) has helped people to become responsible dog owners by teaching them how to train their dogs to be enjoyable family companions as well as to qualify them for obedience competition. We train using positive reinforcement. Our goal is to make training fun for everyone---especially the dogs!


Dakota, Michele's little Honey. Ginger, Doris' good girl.


For more information contact:

Pat Riviello, Information Secretary


Delware County, PA

or e-mail

Anne Havey, Vice President, at



This web site was created at the Pack House
(last update - January 9,2002)

Course Descriptions | Calendar of Events | Board of Directors


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Brandywine Valley Dog Training Club .

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