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The Jacob Randall Foundation for Morquio

Mission Statement:

The Jacob Randall Foundation, Inc. has been created to support and encourage research into improved means of diagnosing, treating, curing and eliminating the disease of Morquio; to help educate physicians, scientists, parents, caregivers, children, policy makers, and other medical personnel about the nature, threat, effects and other aspects of Morquio Syndrome; and to provide support and encouragement to children and their families who are suffering with Morquio Syndrome.

The Jacob Randall Foundation is complaint with the requirements of Chapter 496, Florida Statutes, the Solicitation of Contribution Act. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services (1.800.435.7352). No professional solicitors used for fundraising. 100% of donated funds used for this organization.


Dear Friends and Family,

John and I want to tell you a story about our little Jake. September 5, 2001 was a day that changed our lives forever. Jacob Randall Little "Jake" was born into this world like an angel from heaven. He was a sweet, mild tempered baby who was easily soothed by a song or story. When Jake looked into our eyes, we could tell that he had an incredible sense of wisdom and maturity about him, almost as though he knew what road he was headed down, even before we did. We realized, from that day on, what a true gift from God he was.

We remember, like it was yesterday when the doctors told us a few hours after his birth that he had a sacral dimple. He told us it was something normal, but that it should be examined further. When the results came back normal revealing no hole to his spine and no interference with his spinal cord, there was a tremendous sigh of relief....until, the dreaded word "HOWEVER"....(continued on Our Story Page)



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The Jacob Randall Foundation for Morquio ©2007. All rights reserved.