Mycoon's Kirstin
Female Brown Mackerel Tabby
Born: August 20, l999
Sire: GRC Norskskogkatt's Orion the
Hunter of Mycoon skkkkkkkkkkcespacmmpaceaDam: Mycoon's Ambermcccmmmmmmmm
cat fillcatcat inOne Week OldcatfillincatfillincatfiTwo Weeks Oldcat
fillifill incat fillThree Weeks
Isn't she cute?
Seven Weeks
nine weeksTen weeks
All Photographs of Baby
Kirstin are copyrighted by Sheila R. Gira-Windom and appear here by
her permission
Sheila R. Gira-Windom
Was the first importer
and breeder of Wegies in the United States. We who love these little
guys are forever indebted to her for her work in the field. Please
visit her site.