Welcome to the site only dedicated to the working class Rottweiler

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Hello welcome to the site all dedicated to the Rottweiler Breed. My name is Ganesh Prasad and I have a kennel on the island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. I have been breeding Rottweilers for the past 12 years and I have grown to love the breed. They are excellent Working Dogs and truly magnificent creatures.


If you want to view some of the dogs I have for sale click here.

I have a kennel currently consisting of 4 dogs, three females and one male, which I hope will turn out into a stud dog. Two out of the three females I have are for sale and will be featured on the next page. All the dogs that I have in my kennel are show quality and the prices are firm.

If you want to learn more about rottweilers and the breed in general you can also visit this site here.

Powerhouse Rottweilers

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If you need more information about Rottweilers or if you have any questions regarding to purchase of your personal Rottweiler email me.


IF you are interested in the beautiful blazer we have for sale please click here. Oh yeah brace yourself for what you are about to see.  

the island of St.Croix

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