Amanda's-Jamie's Page

<bgsound src="wheel.mid"loop=infinite>

Mama's little Prince.

This is our first born grandson. I wanted a grandson to carry on the Daniels name and we sure got him. Jamie is now 8 months old and is a little darling.

Jamie has his grandfathers beautiful blue eyes. He looks alot like his father did when he was that age. He has a lite brown color hair, I was hoping it would be auburn but oh well it doesn't matter.

There is no way at this time to really tell what his likes are going to be so I am just going to put stuff that is color ful on this site as babies love colorful things.

The music you are listening to is The wheels on the bus.

Jamie is starting to move around in his walker real good. His daddy told me that he couldn't move good on carpet well wrong!! he does and pretty good

This is Jamie now at two years of age. He now also wears glasses the doctor says he is leagally blind. He is such a sweet little guy. He is a very happy little boy and loves to sit and turn a toy car over and watch the wheels go around. He loves balls and gives papa a high five.