Hi there, I'm "Hunter" (BIS/BISS Am/Can Ch. Windwood
Autumn Tradition, CD, JH, VC) and soon the wonders of technology will
take you to my new digs in cyberspace.
Windwood Irish Setters has a new place in cyberspace. In just a few tailwags, you'll be transported to our new and improved cyberkennel. If you have previously "bookmarked" or "saved as a favorite" the old site of Windwood Irish Setters at Geocities, please update your bookmarks to the new location of: http://www.windwoodirishsetters.com So, enjoy your trip and let us know how you like our new site.
If you have any problems, please contact webmaster, Peggy DaValt, Amethyst Gordon Setters, at gorsetr@gorsetr.com. ©2003
Irish Setters. Pam Seipkes, PO Box 336, Staples, MN 56779 |