Gone But Never Forgotten
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Little Miss Tera!  Tera was a Siamese mix with extra toes.  She had something different on every paw and even had a dew claw on a hind leg.  She was a real lover girl.  She died of renal failure at only 8 years of age on Dec. 31st, 1999.  I really miss watching her make that 'Cack Cack Cacking' sound when she would watch squirrels and birds through the windows!
Tera as a wee babe!  Wasn't she just a cutie?
As a youngster on the left and an adult on the right she was still beautiful!

Rest well my friend!
And lastly here is Kodo.  He was Podo's buddy.  He was my favorite bird.  He was the only talker out of all of them!  Sounded like one of the 'Munchkins'!  He was also quite enamored with my thumb nail sometimes!  We believe he had a liver problem.  He passed rather suddenly. 

Till I see you again little cutie!
This is all until I must tearfully add another.