Last Updated: January 23, 2001

Hi I'm Pegasus869

Please be patient while this page loads because the page is getting longer as I add more pictures! (Although some of the pics are now thumbnailed so the page will load faster, so you may be able to click on the pic to see a larger one!) Thanks :) This page is a continual work in progress! I am making it so friends and family far and near can see pictures of me, my 2 beautiful daughters and some of my wonderful friends. Please come back soon and visit me, as I will be adding more things all the time. Some of you may even see yourselves on here!

Click on


to read about what we've been up to lately!

Click on


To link to some really cool websites of my favorite bands

My Girls and Me - Memorial Day, 2000



to see more pics of Jana and her friends

Click on


To see my best group of girlfriends

Jazzfest Thumbnail

Chicago Jazz Fest, Grant Park - Summer 1997

(I just love this pic! That guy looked like Jerry Garcia-and he even had a Teddy Bear Flag!)

Xmas 2000

Jaryn & me - Christmas 2000

(Jaryn was one of Santa's Elves!)
Scn0062 Thumbnail

Kayleigh & Jaryn - Christmas, 1997

I know my girls are getting too big to sit on Santa's lap, but I still believe!

This is My Mommy! Isn't she pretty?

(And to all of you wealthy older men: she is a great catch!)
Kurtgirls Thumbnail

My brother, Kurt, and my girls - January, 1999

JanaGirls Thumbnail

Wisconsin State Fair - August, 1999

The girls with my boyfriend Tony's kids. October, 1999 - downtown Chicago

(Aren't they all the most gorgeous kids you ever saw?)

Still the most gorgeous group of kids!

My girls and Tony's kids - Christmas, 2000

KayleighToby Thumbnail

Kayleigh with our Iguana, Toby

(Rest in Peace, Toby - We will always love you; Born: 1995, Died: November 19, 1999)

To see more pics of Kayleigh, Click

JarynDaquiri Thumbnail

Jaryn with her cat, Daquiri

To see more pics of Jaryn, Click

Booger & Nala

Two of my cats, Booger and Nala - They love eachother!

Well, that is all I have for now. Please come back soon and visit me soon!


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