Millennium 2000 Diary
April thru December 2000
January thru December 2001


Welcome to the new diary........or the continuation of the other diary's........whatever........glad you dropped by. I finally got Mom to dump that stupid rooster. I think this is a much better choice....................

April 1, 2000

Dear Diary,
Well, today is April Fool's Day......apparently, the fun part of this is to say something to someone that's not true and fool them and then shout "April Fool's"! Hummmmmmmmmmmm

Dear Diary,
We all love the new cursor.......we all stand around and watch the colored balls go all over the place. Mom really likes it.......she thinks she's pretty smart (even if she didn't think it up).

Dear Diary,
It's been such a busy week and it's only half over.....the day Gramma came home from the hospital the 'subterranean termites' (residing under our house) swarmed....in the kitchen! Mom vacuumed for hours (I always wait outside when that's going on). That same day the washer overflowed....twice....a lot....the plumber came today. Yesterday, a little old lady raced up our driveway in her car and veered off at the end onto the neighbors property and crashed their fence.......some of it is our fence. A policeman came by to see...I snorted and grrrrrrrred some. Mom's a wreck!
Dear Diary,
Mom said she needs a break......she went off to visit with Aunt Pat. (Like they never talk.......yeah, right.)

Dear Diary,
Mom went to Aunt Donna's and stayed over.........but she's back now. It's best when everyone is here together.

Dear Diary,
Mom thought she would be a working gal by now but her new work isn't ready......... something about the building. She's been going shopping a lot.....bringing home lots of packages. Not all that fun to me.
Dear Diary,
The weather is much cooler the last couple of days.....just the way I like it. Mom and I went out early, also just the way I like it.
Dear Diary,
Things are a little slow around here. Mom got Microsoft Network instead of AOL and is stuck in front of the computer all the time. That is, when she's not off shopping all the day long. Gramma mentioned it ...... that didn't go over too well.

Dear Diary,
Funny how things change...........use to be, the 'diary' was 'all important'. Mom use to spend lots of time searching for animated graphics and music, etc., on the computer. Now, she plays catch up on diary entries and spends a lot of time on the phone and sending FAX'ez!

Dear Diary,
Mom was gone all day and we didn't even get to walk or anything. Things are always pretty quiet when Mom's away. She said she'll be home all day tomorrow. That only means she'll be on the computer. Oh well, at least she'll be home. I usually sleep all day anyway. It feels like nap time right now, actually.
Dear Diary,
Aunt Donna came to visit........or rather work with Mom on the computer. But for what ever the reason, we love it when Aunt Donna comes. She didn't bring Cujo and Hobie this time. It always rains when she comes. Mom took this picture.

Dear Diary,
Me and Aunt Donna played frizbie and now I have a sprained shoulder or leg or what ever it is that hurts me. Mom and I tried to walk and I came up 'lame'. Mom said I was already lame.....what ever that means. She's been too busy to take me out anyway. I wonder what Wire EDM is?
Dear Diary,
My shoulder is better but Mom wouldn't take me out today. ok....fine!

Dear Diary,
My shoulder kicked up after our walk. Mom poked one of those white tablets down my throat. I guess this means I won't get to go out tomorrow. Darn!

Dear Diary,
I was right, I didn't get to go out today. Mom used her treadmill and that was that. My shoulder is still sore......Mom put the frizbie in the trash.

Dear Diary,
Things are kinda slow around here. Mom's been walking on the treadmill and I've just been layin' around. Bo and Truman have just been layin' around too.
Dear Diary,
I'm still layin' around. Soooooo boring. Mom said I can run next Saturday. Oh boy!
Dear Diary,
Mom whipped over to Aunt Donna's for a quickie visit 'cause Aunt Bobbie was in town and at Aunt Wanda's for the week end. But she was back in front of her computer by 8 am on Sunday.

Dear Diary,
I'm feeling sooooo much better now. I can hardly wait 'til Mom takes me out again. I wonder if it's Saturday yet? I can't keep these days straight.
Dear Diary,
Mom's friend George lives in Canada and owns a wonderful resturant there....... Restaurant le Vaudeville
361 Bernard street west
Montreal H2V1T6

Dear Diary,
Mom has a new friend, Glenn and he sent her this very unusual picture. He's into photography. I bet he could take some really good Dogz photo's.

Dear Diary,
Mom let me pick which can of food I wanted for breakfast. I snorted and reared up and poked on a can.....she laughed.....she thinks I'm sooooooo cute. Mom's are wonderful people.

Dear Diary,
Nothing much going on. Mom is busy a lot and I'm just hangin' out. Guardin all the time of course!
Dear Diary,
Today is Hobie's birthday! He's 2 years old. He didn't grow very tall. Happy Birthday Hobie!!!

Dear Diary,
It's all overcast and rainy. We never walk anymore. Mom's always so busy.......too busy if you ask me.
Dear Diary,
Mom was packing up the truck and I could tell she was going away for the week end. When she said 'come on' to me, my heart jumped! I got to go to Aunt Donna and Uncle Mark's for the week end. I swam in the pool and chased Hobie and Cujo. What fun!
Dear Diary,
Today is Memorial Day. Mom said it's a holiday. I dunno........feels the same as regular days to me.
We're taking a time-out from the diary. Mom's just too busy and I don't type.

Dear Diary,
We're taking a 'time-out' from the diary. Mom's just too busy and I don't type........
Dear Diary,
We're still on a break. But we'll be back soon.
Dear Diary,
I'm still around.........just doin' other stuff. We all piled in the truck and went to visit AuntDonna. It was 120 degrees there. I went in the pool several times. That's way fun! Truman and Bo went on the top step. They don't like it too much. I swim all around. I'm too cool!
Dear Diary,
It's good to be back home. It's only 110 here!!! Too bad we don't have a pool. I'd go in every day. Mom said we might have a pool again some day. I mostly stay inside when it's hot.
Dear Diary,
I hope we don't loose this site......Mom hardly ever works on it. I still think it's neat!

Dear Diary,
Mom took me for a run and now I can hardly walk. She works out all the time and I never leave the house. What could she be thinking? I am a little better today. When she's home I limp it up real good so she feels guilty. It works. I get extra treats.
Dear Diary,
Now that Mom is working out all the time I get more steak bones. This is a good thing. Sometimes she gives the little dogs the bone instead. That's not as good.

Dear Diary,
Boy, how time flies! Mom's busy all the time. Now she has a new bicycle. I'd love to run along side.......she said absolutely not! I don't see why not. She mumbled something about being jerked around.......whatever. We're going to Aunt Donna's for the weekend. Oh boy, oh boy. I get to swim in the pool. Kool!

Dear Diary,
Well, it's almost Christmas. Me, Mom, Gramma and the boys are going to Aunt Donna's. Oh boy!

Dear Diary, Check it out! It's way next year!! We've been sooooo busy.....doin' stuff. Cujo and Hobie are gonna spend the weekend with us. They haven't been to our house in a long time. We're baby sitting. Mom found this cool animal. Not exactly a dog but interesting.

Dear Diary,
The most awful thing has happened. The Twin Towers were demolished by terrorists, also the Pentigon. No one knows what to expect. Everything is awful.

Dear Diary,
Well, the aftermath of the events of September 11 are a sobering state of afairs. We got thru Thanksgiving but the news is still full of the survivors and the search for that awful Bin Laden guy. Christmas is coming. I hope everyone is happier then.


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Babe: bopossum@yahoo.com

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