



A A small, shy furre looks down as she passes by quietly. Instead of her usually dress, she wears a plain gray one, with light purple sleeves. A silver arm band hides under her sleeve and with a few other pieces of jewelry. Her hair hangs unevenly cut at her shoulders. She looks to be about 19 years. [single] [ic] [bartender in Abora, she wears purple to celebrate its opening]

A note before you rush off... Constructive critcism please, I will not pretend to be a great artist, but no one deserves nasty comments (not that I've got any yet...) Do email (email at bottom)! Will do free pieces of artwork (if you can even call any of my stuff below art...) hence it would be at no expense...

Patch done by Ellodie



This originally started out as an alternative to doing anything useful, although I think it turned out rather well. My second picture done in photoshop, I see many problems wrong with this. As the coloring was done rather quickly, yet I think most problems originated even before it was scanned. I wish I had used thinner lines, oh well. A self-portrait of moi (just so you know, it is meant to be drawn way out of proportion... as are most of my drawings). Evidently I still have work to do on it, perhaps I'll redo it altogether. moving on...    

I had to downsize this image to have it fit, so its a little... erm isnt as detailed. Otherwise I think its done fairly well. I can find about one hundred mistakes in the original drawing (which I'm not going to point out if you dont see them ^.~). This picture is of Sarienth, a kitty often found under a tree in meovanni.

Heheh... if you thought Sari was  innocent  then you haven't met her in the Abora bar... *shivers*. Sari often goes a little over the top >.< very scary, I'm behind her in a purple dress, since in this pic, if I had dressed in gray I might've looked a tad bit drab. I drew this in celebration of Ellodie's birthday, since Sari suggested that we sing her the birthday song, I depicted it. I like the way it turned out for the most part, but I can still find quite a few mistakes, which again I won't point out. All the more fun for you... Enjoy your card ellodie 

I got a little tired of drawing the same people, and all with dark hair. So I went for some pink and fluffy this time. Out of my own imagination, this appeared. I believe its a doggie, but the ear might say otherwise (sigh). I like it though, but the cheek bone is REALLY bothering me (now that you see it, I bet it bothers you too). Feel free to email suggestions of a better shape, as I'm completely useless or just to lazy at the moment. I have a few more things to work on in here, a border might be nice. I think I have gotten better you photoshop though! O.O shocking...

   I originally had a black background, which was nicer, but it didn't turn out well when I uploaded it. I imagine a proper background would have this canine laying on a dock for some sort (thus the blue, water like background), but currently she's just suspended in gravity. I liked the original drawing better, but oh well. Again, no one in particular, but me likes for the most part. ~.^ 


Tal and I in my old colors, got erm... a little bored ^.^

Ell hadn't added ds to get up the stairs yet...

Stuck... I couldnt figure out how to get out of there til I exited the dream...

Patch done by Ellodie, I was just testing it >^.^< I think she's turned this into the mouse patch for Mount Abora now with a few mousey editations

   http://welcome.to/Abora - Ellodies page, currently being remodeled

   www.furcadia.com - If you've come here, you've probably seen this already...


Email suggestions, comments, questions... anything!