Rabbits in Singapore
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Rabbits, one of the greatest pet to own, is among the most intelligent animal that is in close contact with the humans, it is also, by far, the most underestimated pets around.

Many people believed that only cats and dogs can respond to names and be taught tricks like sit, fetch and roll over. Little do they know that with lots of patience and perserverance, the rabbit can be taught likewise.

Learn how to take care of your most wonderful pet, add meaning to the sounds they make, (yes, they are not dumb) read their body language, learn about the common aliments and much more.....

Have a question? Join my mailing list, I have a panel of experts who are more than willing ot answer all your questions, join now, it's free, what are you waiting for? Click on the "Join e-group" button now!

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Pet Life
Pet Life

Magazine DescriptionPet Life is for pet owners interested not only in companion animals, but also in the larger animal kingdom. The magazine's articles explore the emotional and socially helpful way that humans relate to animals. Each issue of Pet Life is thought-provoking, heart-stirring, and educational.